Conditional Uses CUs 22-05 through 8 - schools play structures

Project ID: 
CU 22-05, CU 22-06, CU 22-07, & CU 22-08
Project Type:
Land Use
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Four each of conditional use (CU), Design Review (DR), and Street Adjustment (SA) application types submitted by the Woodburn School District 103 for four campuses:

  1. CU 22-05, DR 22-20, & SA 22-13 “Heritage Elementary School covered play structure” at 440 Parr Rd (Tax Lot 052W130000500)
  2. CU 22-06, DR 22-21, & SA 22-14 “Lincoln Elementary & French Prairie Middle School covered play structure and addition wind screen” at 1025 N. Boones Ferry Rd (Tax Lot 051W07BD02300)
  3. CU 22-07, DR 22-22, & SA 22-15 “Nellie Muir Elementary School covered play structure” at 1800 W. Hayes St (Tax Lot 052W12DD06300):  Withdrawn by applicant.
  4. CU 22-08, DR 22-23, & SA 22-16 “Washington Elementary School covered play structure” at 777 E. Lincoln Street (Tax Lot 051W18AA00100:  Withdrawn by applicant.

The proposal is for large structures for outdoor play -- large metal roofed open-air shelters -- at the schools.



Casey Woolley, 

Director of Safety and Operations

Woodburn School District 103

1390 Meridian Dr
Woodburn OR 97071-9668

(503) 981-2702


Applicant's representative:

Joanne Rimkeit, Project Manager

Soderstrom Architects Ltd.

1331 NW Lovejoy, Suite 775

Portland, OR 97209

(503) 595-2552

City case planner / reviewing planner:  Colin Cortes, AICP, CNU-A, Senior Planner.

CU 22-06 Lincoln E.S. outdoor play shelter gable end
CU 22-06 Lincoln E.S. rendering of windscreen across recent building addition